Prison Reformer
Prison Reformer
media Educator
Head, Department of Journalism, Lady Shri Ram College
Former Associate Professor, IIMC
First Executive Producer,
Lok Sabha TV
Delhi Police : Kissa Khaki Ka Tinka Tinka Jail Radio: TTF
This space documents the journey of a small-town girl from Punjab. Rising from a childhood landmark achievement as the youngest television anchor in Asia to taking meaningful steps as media educator and prison reformer, she stays committed in her endeavour to spread education and light up darker corners. She has an enduring dream of lighting the flame of learning and creating rainbows in jails, thus living up to the real meaning of VARTIKA.
Vartika Nanda
Dr. Vartika Nanda is an academic by profession, a journalist by vocation and a prison reformer by passion. She has used the best practices of journalism and academia for studying and contributing to prison reforms.
As the founder of Tinka Tinka Foundation, she has tirelessly worked for improving the conditions in India’s prisons, such as including the introduction of prison radio in District Jail, Agra, District Jail, Dehradun and the
jails of Haryana. She has authored four books on prisons, latest being- RADIO IN PRISON, published by National Book Trust in 2024. Her Tinka Tinka Jail Radio Podcasts are exclusive podcasts dedicated to Indian prisons. She has worked
extensively with Tihar (Delhi), District Jail of Ghaziabad and Agra (Uttar Pradesh), jails of Madhya Pradesh and jails of Haryana. Her research on the “Study of the condition of women inmates and their children in Indian Prisons
and their communication needs with special reference to Uttar Pradesh” was evaluated as ‘outstanding’ by ICSSR in 2021.
Her name has appeared in the Limca Book of Records twice, for her unique contribution to prison reforms.
Her work was also taken due cognizance by the Supreme Court of India in 2018. She was conferred with the Stree Shakti Puraskar by the President of India in 2014 for her extraordinary contribution to women empowerment through media
and literature.
RESEARCH : ICSSR: Year: 2019-2020
Vartika Nanda’s research on the “Study of the condition of women inmates and their children in Indian Prisons and their communication needs with special reference to Uttar Pradesh” was evaluated as ‘outstanding’ by ICSSR in 2021.
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