Lakshmi Priya Ghosh
Newspapers in My Life
In a world that is rapidly evolving with technological advancements, it is undeniable that certain aspects
of our lives have undergone significant changes. One such transformation can be observed in the
dwindling importance of newspapers.When I hear the term “newspaper” image of my grandfather
reading a newspaper immediately comes to my mind.He was so devoted that he read three newspapers
everyday that too in minute details. He literally could recall events that happened months
back.Newspaper was the only source he relied on for information and entertainment.
My father on the other hand relies on television to stay updated.Now coming to the point I am not very
fond of reading a newspaper. But, during summer vacations my father would insist me to read atleast the
editorial part of the newspaper.What I feel is that newspapers offer a one-size fits all approach,
presenting range of news topicsthat may not resonate with my personal interest.With digitalsources I’m
capable of curating my news feed as per my interests and preferences
As a once irreplaceable source of information, newspapers have gradually lost their relevance in my life
due to a confluence of factors that reflect the changing dynamics of the digital age. In conclusion, the
decreasing importance of newspapers in my life is a reflection of the shifting paradigms brought about by the digital age.
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