Reporting for Editing for Print
Reporter-Role, Functions & Qualities
Intro- Many people are working in a neves organisation. Each person is involved in different stages of neves production. However, the reporters constitute the frontline infantry Of a neves organisation.
Reporter: A reporter is a type of journalist who researches, writes & reports on information in order to present using sources.
› They act as the eyes & ears of the media-They go to the field to gather information for the neues.
They are always alert & keep their eyes & ears open to spet any developement taking place in society. They act as primary neves sources for media organizations.
The reporting staff needs to be skilled in neves reporting & should possess certain qualities to be able to fulfill the task with ease & efficiency.
Like any professional, a neves reporter must possess certain qualities to be successful.The following are the basic qualities of a good reporter
1) Neues Sense. The primary job of a reporter is discovering the neves. Hence the basic quality of any reporter is to a have a neves sense er a 6 nose for neves’, to differentiate neues from non-neues (5) he must know the difference between public interest & a publicity stunt.
2.) Objectivity- It refers to disinterestedness & factuality. Good reporters, aluways resist their personal bias or ideas for & keep them in factual & balanced manner. They always cover the views of representatives of both sides of a controversy without favouring any one side to achieve babance. They never dilute the story with personal views & partial comments.
3) Accuracy- Good reporters aluways strive for accuracy. They never tamper with the facts. They check & re-check the facts. Reparting inaccurate imf information is considered a moral crime & can harm the credibility of the reporter & neves media
4) Fearlessness-A good reporter is courageous & confident. Ulithout courage & confidence, it is difficult for a person to be a good reporter. The – reporter should not fear to ask up unpleasant – questions to dig out the truth.
5) Tactfulness – The reporter should have the capability to handle any kind of situation & people. A good reporter is always considerate of – Others & careful not to embarass, upset or offend any. Flexibility & Sociability help in developing Contacts to facilitate information gathering.
6) Good Writing Ability – Reporters should be Able to write clear & well focused stories that can be easily understood by everyone Writing should be error-free.
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