Title: Thee. Hoon.. Rahungi…: Poetry on crimes against women 

Author: Vartika Nanda

Publisher:  Rajkamal Prakashan

ISBN: 978-81-267-2232-7

Year: 2012

Pages: 144

Price: Rs. 250/-

Book Description       

USP: India’s first collection of poetry centered around the issue of crimes against women, dedicated to incarcerated women. One can find the echo of this book in several jails in India through Tinka Tinka, founded by Vartika Nanda. 

This is the first time that a crime reporter has penned down poems around crime. Having accorded prominence to crime beat during her stint with NDTV, and subsequently achieving a doctorate on the coverage of rapes, India’s leading prison reformer Dr. Vartika Nanda is equipped and emboldened to treat the subject of crime on women with extraordinary sensitivity and panache. Therefore, the poems rendered by her, can be seen from the perspective of reality and pragmatism. This book has the distinction of being the first book of its kind having a collection of poems centered on the issue of crimes against women. 

“Putting together the sherds of life over a mound and composing heart-wrenching songs, women represent the soft and desirable creation and a catastrophe –both, at once. Whether she bakes moonlike rotis on hearth or wields perplexing power, the subjectively- experienced inner journey for women remains the same.” writes Vartika Nanda in her foreword of this book.

पुस्तक का नाम : थी. हूं..रहूंगी…

कवयित्री : डॉ वर्तिका नन्दा

प्रकाशक : राजकमल

मूल्य : 250 रूपए

वर्ष – 2012


विमोचन – प्रो नामवर सिंह के हाथों अंतर्राष्ट्रीय पुस्तक मेले में

जावेद अख्तर के हाथों पटना पुस्तक मेले में

बाद में महिवा एवं बाल विकास मंत्री को भेंट

विदेश राज्य मंत्री को विश्व हिंदी सम्मेलन, जोहान्सबर्ग में भेंट

In every part of the globe, women do fall victims to some crime or the other. Bigger are the crimes that happen inside homes and usually escape the lens of news. These poems narrate these very stories from the threshold. 

Area of Concern: It’s an area where the media, police, law and society remain quiet. These agencies wait for the victims to die and seldom become active even after death. Women in these poems are tired of all these, yet they harbour a flickering ray of hope. What could be a bigger answer by the women to these men, who convert women’s life into a vast desert of pain and sorrow, than to smilingly retort by saying – I was, I am and I will be. This probably could, and should, be the fitting response by women to the community of criminals and the families perpetrating these crimes. This book is devoted to incarcerated women inmates. Tinka Tinka Foundation, a public charitable trust, founded by Vartika Nanda, has been voicing the concerns of inmates through her umbrella- Tinka Tinka.

Unique title of the book: Women Empowerment & the echo in Jails: The unusual, yet instructive, title- Thee. Hoon..Rahungi…((I was, I am, I will be) has become a powerful symbol to sensitize the society about violence against women. Additionally, it also serves as a formidable mantra for women empowerment. The powerful echo of these three words- THEE. HOON..RAHUNGI… can be seen painted in several walls across India, including Women’s Jail number 6- Tihar (Tihar is the largest prison complex in India), District Jail, Karnal (Haryana) and Central Jail, Narsinghpur (Madhya Pradesh). 

Podcast Series

Thee. Hoon..Rahungi Podcast: Voices of women inmates are given a platform through Thee.Hoon..Rahungi…podcasts. These are novel experiences related to documentation of prison life and giving a new lease of life to jail inmates.

Stories of Hope & Courage

17 April, 2024: थी.हूं..और हमेशा रहूंगी… एक ऐसा दीया जो अंधेरे को मिटाने की अपनी धुन में उम्मीद की लौ पर टिका है। वो हिम्मत रखता है। सच को मुट्ठी में थामे जगमगाता है। बड़े और घने अंधेरे के सामने वो अपनी लगन और ईमानदारी से आगे बढ़ता गया है। अब इस लौ की गर्माहट और ऊर्जा को महसूस कीजिए। अब इसे बना लीजिए अपनी जिंदगी का मंत्र। यह मंत्र आपको मन की शक्ति देगा और नेक कामों को करने की भक्ति । यह है ‘थी हूं और रहूंगी’ Podcast. मैं हूं Vartika Nanda. मैं ‘थी हूं और हमेशा रहूंगी’।

दैवीय संयोग से इस मंत्र को मैंने 2012 में गढ़ा था। राजकमल प्रकाशन से इसी शीर्षक से मेरी कविताओं की किताब छपी। आज 12 साल बाद थी. हूं..रहूंगी…एक नए अवतार में। आप इसे अपनी जिंदगी का मंत्र भी बना सकते हैं। एक ऐसा मंत्र जिसमें भक्ति भी है और शक्ति भी. यह मंत्र मेरा नाम, काम और मकसद परिभाषित करता है। आज से यह मंत्र आपको अनजाने कोनों में ले जाएगा- आवाजों के साथ। हिम्मत और बदलाव की उन कहानियों के साथ जिनकी मैं साक्षी हूं।

Hindustan Times: 4 November, 2023

Book Review/ Media Coverage

अखबार: दैनिक पूर्वोदय 

लेखिका: अंशु सारडा ‘अन्वी’

शीर्षक: कई टूटने के बाद भी लिखा जाता है अनूठा अध्याय

दिनांक: 8 अक्टुबर 2023

Book Release & Presentation:

2012: 3 March: Delhi: The book was released by noted Hindi critic Namwar Singh and Chitra Mudgal at the international Book Fair in Pragati Maidan on March 3, 2012. Namwar Singh gave a detailed interview on the book. 

2012: 21 March: Chandigarh: The book was presented at the National Conference organized by the Ministry of Women and Child, Government of India in Chandigarh. The programme was attended by Amod Kanth (IPS) and Rashmi Singh (IAS). 

2012: 24 March: Patna, Bihar: Thee Hoon Rahungi, got a special attention at the Patna Book Fair. Copy of the book was presented to noted writer Javed Akhtar. The book was released by Rashmi Singh, Executive Director, National Mission for Empowerment of Women, Government of India, Vandana Kaini, IPS, noted writers Usha Kiran Khan, Bhawna Shekhar and Neelima Singh and publisher Ashok Maheshwari This was Vartika Nanda’s 6th book (2012). 

Speaking on the occasion, Rashmi Singh said that such literary efforts can kindle a flame for change in the society. Noted laureate Usha Kiran Khan stressed that women across all boundaries go through similar pains and dilemmas. Thus, such books can create a platform for better understanding within the societal framework.

Patna Book Fair, a bonanza for book lovers, was organized by the National Book Trust (NBT). Over 5 lakh book buffs visited the fair during the twelve-day long fair. More than 300 publishers, including some international ones, participated in the Book Fair. The fair was inaugurated by the Chief Minister of Bihar, Nitish Kumar.

2012: 22-24 September: Johannesberg, South Africa The book was released at prestigious 9th Vishwa Hindi Sammelan organised in Johannesberg, South Africa in 2012.  Selected poems were also read by Vartika Nanda during the Kavi Sammelan. This book was also presented to Chitra Mudgal and Uday Prakash during the Sammelan. Vishwa Hindi Sammelan is organised by the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India. 

2012: 30 September: Chandigarh: A special discussion was organised by Press Club, Chandigarh.. This solo talk was moderated by the President of Press Club and renowed journalist Brij Mohan Singh. 

2012: 19th October: Delhi: A special programme on the book was organized by the Delhi Study Group at the Constitution Club on 19th October, 2012 in New Delhi. The Speakers included noted police officers Tajender Luthra, Suman Nalwa, Kiran Chopra and Dr. Sudha. It was organised by Vijay Jolly.

Tags: Vartika Nanda, Javed Akhtar, Rashmi Singh, Usha Kiran Khan, Neelima Singh, Bhawana Shekhar, Vandana Kaini, Patna, Patna Book Fair, Nitish Kumar, NDTV, Poetry, Publisher

Special Mention: Film

Based on the first poem of the book, Nanakpura Kuch Nahin Bhoolta, Vartika Nanda produced a short public service film highlighting the problem of domestic violence. 

2012: Book was released by Women & Child Development Minister Smt Krishna Tirath in 2012.

2012: 22-24 September, Johannesberg: South Africa: This film was presented to Ms Praneet Kaur,, Union Minister of State for External Affairs, Government of India at Vishwa Hindi Sammelan at Johannesberg, South Africa ( 22-24 Sept, 2012)

This film has been shown on Lok Sabha TV on various occasions. This film has given voice to women empowerment besides raising awareness crimes against women. 

Special Mention: Awards

2012: August 17: Rituraj Parampara Samman for the collection of poetry – Thee. Hoon.. Rahungii…

2015Laadli Media and Advertising Award for Gender Sensitivity for the year 2013-14 for the public service film – Nanakpura Kuch Nahi Bhoolta. This film was selected as the Best issue-based Documentary in Hindi for the Northern Region. The award was given by the Culture Minister, Chhattisgarh. Award was given in Raipur, Chhattisgarh. 

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J6vETGzpGk

2015: February 14:  DD National did a special segment on Vartika Nanda on the primetime show Stri Shakti for her contribution in the field of media and literature. 

Vartika Nanda on DD Stri Shakti: 2015 – YouTube


Thee..Hoon..Rahungi…poetry revolving around crime against women was released by Shri Namwar Singh: 3rd March, 2012: International Book Fair: New Delhi

Students' Corner

“ज़ुबां बंद है

पलकें भीगीं

सच मुट्ठी में

पढ़ा आसमान ने

मैं अपने पंख खुद बनूंगी

हां, मैं थी. हूं..और हमेशा रहूंगी..”

( This poem is extracted from the book “Thee. Hoon..Rahungi…”written by  Vartika Nanda in 2012.) 

Shyam Bai, a woman inmate who spent 20 years in jail, has something to look forward to in her life beyond the walls. Tinka Tinka Foundation  Tinka Tinka Foundation Website has released a song, for the world to bear witness to this dedication to women in prison. Song by Shyam Bai  Shyam Bai was released from prison at the age of 60 in September 2023. The happiness derived from her release is enhanced with the launch of her song. This song is a culmination of the unflinching strength and spirit she possessed, even within the confines of the jail barrack.

To take a quick trip down memory lane, Shyam Bai was a folk singer who had already released two music albums of her own. She had a passion for the world of tunes and was slowly yet steadily working on establishing herself in the field. But her budding career came to a standstill in 2013, when she was imprisoned for life in Central Jail, Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh). Even so, she never lost her passion towards music, dreaming of a day when she could reconnect with her art. 

After a long period of waiting, that dream finally came true in 2017. Inspiration came in the form of a part from ‘Thee. Hoon..Rahungi…’- a collection of poetry by Vartika Nanda, published in 2012 by Rajkamal Prakashan. The iconic words from this book have been painted on the walls of several jails across the country. The essence of the poem, based on the life of a woman in jail, resonated with Shyam Bai. Prison reformer and media educator Dr. Vartika Nanda sent this poem to Shyam Bai, which she happily composed. 

Using small stone pieces, she created an accompanying melody for the soulful words. Encouragement from SS Tigaa, then Superintendent, helped in the process. She rendered it as a captivating song which was released on 17th April, 2017. She was present amongst the inmates who watched her voice come alive that day. Bilaspur Song by Shyam Bhai | Tinka Tinka Foundation

Tinka Tinka Foundation has released several such musical renditions in the past, ever since Tinka Tinka Foundation has established prison radios in different jails. This includes a song by Sheru, an inmate lodged in Central Jail, Ambala. He became an overnight sensation with the release of his song, which was based on Covid-19. Tinka Tinka Jail Radio: Ep 17:Tinka Foundation Day, Sheru & Former Inmates – YouTube

TTF has released more than a dozen songs from different prisons of Haryana. Number of such creations have attracted global attention, including the song sung by an inmate, Kashish, incarcerated in District Jail, Panipat. Panipat Jail Radio Revolution। Brut। Year 2022। Vartika Nanda – YouTube In continuation of this, the signature tune of Tinka Tinka Jail Podcast was synthesised by an inmate lodged in District Jail, Dehradun. Dr. Suchit Narang, a visually impaired inmate, was a music teacher before he was imprisoned. He, along with 2 other inmates have been made an integral part of the Tinka Tinka Foundation.Tinka Tinka Theme Song

Links: Music in Jail by TTF Jail Music – Tinka Tinka Prison Reforms

Music in Jail: Podcast

Tinka Jail Radio Episode 26 | Hisar Jail Song

Tinka Tinka Jail Radio podcasts are the only podcasts in India, catering to prison reforms. These podcasts have been conceived by Tinka Tinka Foundation (TTF). Dr. Vartika Nanda is the Founder of TTF. Tinka Tinka Foundation is a public charitable trust dedicated to prison reforms in India. The organisation utilises multiple platforms to create awareness and bring change to the living conditions in jails through Tinka Tinka books, music, Tinka jail radio, and the establishment of Tinka Tinka Prison Research Cell.

Hashtags: #tinkatinkafoundation #tinkajailradio #tinkaprisonresearchcell #vartikananda #tinkamodelofprisonradio #jail #prison #radioinprison #booksonprison

Written by:

Stuti Garg

(Student of Batch of 2024, Department of Journalism, Lady Shri Ram College for Women, Delhi University) 

Citations and References:


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