Kissa Khaki Ka completes 3 years: 2025

Kissa Khaki Ka completes 150 episodes, sets a record in the world of audio

December 22, 2024

  • Kissa Khaki Ka is the only podcast of its kind, curated by the Delhi Police, which delves into crime stories, prevention techniques, and inspiring tales of courage and dedication from police personnel.
  • The podcast began its journey in January 2022 and has explored a wide range of topics, from solving complex crimes to spreading social awareness.
  • 150th episode narrates the chilling yet insightful story of a young boy’s crime involving the murder of his parents and sister, reflecting on the deeper societal issues it raises.

Delhi Police  announces the successful completion of 150 episodes of its pioneering podcast series, Kissa Khaki Ka. This milestone marks a remarkable journey that began on January 16, 2022. Conceived as a platform to bridge the gap between the police and the public, the podcast has quickly gained recognition for its unique storytelling approach and impactful narratives.

Leadership and Legacy – The podcast series was initiated under the leadership of former Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana and continues to flourish under the guidance of the present Police Commissioner, Sanjay Arora. Delhi Police’s social media team, entrusted with sharing these compelling stories, has ensured that the podcast reaches diverse audiences across all platforms. This podcast series was conceptualised and narrated by Dr. Vartika Nanda, a renowned media educator and prison reformer. She heads the Department of Journalism at Lady Shri Ram College, Delhi University. 

Episodes are broadcasted every Sunday at  and are available across multiple platforms, including the Delhi Police’s social media channels, YouTube, and Spotify. 

Artificial intelligence is also utilized in compiling content, creating posters, and assisting in completing narrations for the podcast.

Types of stories and the art of storytelling

Kissa Khaki Ka has already created a unique space in the world of podcasting and storytelling.  Selection of stories goes through a rigorous process of verification at the police headquarters. Episodes range from Individual Achievements, showcasing police going beyond the call of duty, to crime stories highlighting meticulous investigations, Human interest narratives that reveal the compassionate side of policing, and prevention and awareness episodes aimed at educating the public on safety and prevention.

The Evolution and Impact of Kissa Khaki Ka: From Podcast to Coffee Table Book
Launched in January 2022, Kissa Khaki Ka has redefined how law enforcement connects with the public through storytelling. This weekly podcast by the Delhi Police, encapsulated in the coffee table book “Varsh Ek, Smritiyan Anek” in 2023, highlighting tales of courage, meticulous investigations, and community engagement. The book blends visually compelling content with the impactful narratives that have made the podcast a milestone initiative.

At the heart of this groundbreaking initiative is Dr. Vartika Nanda, a celebrated journalist, media educator, and prison reformer. Dr. Nanda scripts and narrates the podcast with journalistic precision and emotive storytelling, bringing authenticity and depth to every episode. The team is headed by Shri Sanjay Tyagi, Additional CP. In the initial days. DCP PRO Suman Nalwa played a crucial role in shaping these podcasts. 

Kissa Khaki Ka leaves a profound impact on its audience. By showcasing the dedication and valor of Delhi Police personnel, it fosters appreciation for law enforcement and underscores their critical societal role. The podcast acts as a catalyst for dialogue, challenging perceptions and encouraging listeners to reflect on social issues, advocate for progressive reforms in the criminal justice system, and demand accountability. Its thought-provoking episodes highlight systemic challenges and motivate individuals to drive positive change in their communities.

In an era where trust in institutions is diminishing, Kissa Khaki Ka reinforces the relevance of law enforcement, showcasing the proactive efforts of the Delhi Police in addressing crime and upholding the rule of law. By initiating bold conversations about societal flaws, it leaves a legacy that extends far beyond its immediate audience. With its consistent efforts to raise social awareness through gripping stories, the podcast has set the stage for future research exploring its role as a tool for social change.


  1. Ep 139 : लालच, धोखा, चोरी और हत्या – This episode narrates the sensational story of how the Hauz Khas Police team solved the case of a housemaid’s murder and a driver’s escape after committing theft. Watch here
  2. Ep 129: शिकंजे में कछुआ चोर – This episode narrates the story of a police team that apprehended a smuggler transporting hundreds of turtles, highlighting efforts to combat wildlife trafficking. Watch here Watch here
  3. Ep 23: Real Hero – This episode highlights the bravery of two Delhi Police officers who saved three lives from a raging fire. Watch here
  4. Ep 18: Operation Talash – A riveting account of how the Delhi Police tracked missing persons across states. Watch here

For more details, visit: Delhi Police Podcast

Kissa Khaki Ka 1 year journey –

Kissa Khaki ka Book launched –

Kissa Khaki Ka Coffee table book –

Tinka Tinka Prison Reform’s Website –

Dr. Vartika Nanda’s  website –


किस्सा खाकी का: 150 एपिसोड पूरे, ऑडियो जगत में रिकॉर्ड कायम

किस्सा खाकी का दिल्ली पुलिस का एकमात्र ऐसा पॉडकास्ट है जो अपराध की कहानियों, रोकथाम की तकनीकों, और पुलिस कर्मियों की प्रेरणादायक कहानियों को उजागर करता है। इस पॉडकास्ट की शुरुआत जनवरी 2022 में हुई थी और इसमें जटिल अपराधों को सुलझाने से लेकर सामाजिक जागरूकता फैलाने तक के कई विषयों को शामिल किया गया है। 150वें एपिसोड में एक युवा लड़के द्वारा अपने माता-पिता और बहन की हत्या की खौफनाक लेकिन महत्वपूर्ण कहानी को प्रस्तुत किया गया है, जो समाज में व्याप्त गहरे मुद्दों पर प्रकाश डालती है। दिल्ली पुलिस ने अपने लीडिंग पॉडकास्ट “किस्सा खाकी का” के 150 एपिसोड पूरे होने की सफलता की घोषणा की। यह मील का पत्थर 16 जनवरी, 2022 को शुरू हुए एक उल्लेखनीय सफर को दर्शाता है। इस पॉडकास्ट को जनता और पुलिस के बीच की दूरी को कम करने के लिए एक मंच के रूप में तैयार किया गया था और इसे अपनी अनूठी कहानी कहने की शैली और प्रभावशाली कथाओं के लिए जल्दी ही पहचान मिली।

नेतृत्व और विरासत

इस पॉडकास्ट की शुरुआत दिल्ली पुलिस के पूर्व कमिश्नर राकेश अस्थाना के नेतृत्व में हुई थी और वर्तमान पुलिस कमिश्नर संजय अरोड़ा के मार्गदर्शन में यह आगे बढ़ रहा है। दिल्ली पुलिस की सोशल मीडिया टीम ने इन कहानियों को विभिन्न मंचों पर साझा कर सुनिश्चित किया कि पॉडकास्ट अलग-अलग दर्शकों तक पहुंचे।

इस पॉडकास्ट की संकल्पना और प्रस्तुति डॉ. वर्तिका नंदा, एक प्रसिद्ध मीडिया शिक्षिका और जेल सुधारक ने की है। वे दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय के लेडी श्रीराम कॉलेज के पत्रकारिता विभाग की प्रमुख हैं। एपिसोड हर रविवार प्रसारित होते हैं और दिल्ली पुलिस के सोशल मीडिया चैनलों, यूट्यूब और स्पॉटिफाई सहित विभिन्न प्लेटफार्मों पर उपलब्ध हैं। पॉडकास्ट में कई बार AI का उपयोग भी किया जाता है।

कहानियों के प्रकार और कहानी कहने की कला

किस्सा खाकी का ने पॉडकास्टिंग और कहानी कहने की दुनिया में अपनी एक अनूठी पहचान बनाई है। कहानियों का चयन पुलिस मुख्यालय में सख्त सत्यापन प्रक्रिया से गुजरता है। एपिसोड में निम्नलिखित श्रेणियां शामिल हैं जिसमे व्यक्तिगत उपलब्धियां, पुलिसकर्मियों के कर्तव्य से आगे बढ़कर किए गए कार्य, जटिल जांच की सूक्ष्मता के साथ अपराध की कहानियां, पुलिसिंग के सहानुभूतिपूर्ण पक्ष को दर्शाती मानव रुचि की कहानियां, पुलिसिंग का सहानुभूतिपूर्ण पक्ष और अपराध के लिए जागरूकता फैलाना। 

प्रभाव और प्रासंगिकता

किस्सा खाकी का अपने दर्शकों पर गहरा प्रभाव छोड़ता है और केवल मनोरंजन तक सीमित नहीं रहता। यह दिल्ली पुलिसकर्मियों की समर्पण और साहस की कहानियों को उजागर कर कानून के पालन के प्रति प्रशंसा की भावना को बढ़ावा देता है। यह पॉडकास्ट श्रृंखला समाज में बातचीत को प्रोत्साहित करने, सामाजिक धारणाओं को चुनौती देने और श्रोताओं को ऐसे मुद्दों पर गंभीरता से विचार करने के लिए सशक्त बनाती है। इसने सामाजिक जागरूकता बढ़ाई है और दर्शकों को सच्ची और रोमांचक कहानियों से जोड़ा है। इस समय किस्सा खाकी का पर अकादमिक शोध भी किये जा रहे हैं। 


  1. एपिसोड 139: लालच, धोखा, चोरी और हत्या – इस एपिसोड में हौज खास पुलिस टीम द्वारा एक नौकरानी की हत्या और एक ड्राइवर द्वारा चोरी के मामले को सुलझाने की सनसनीखेज कहानी प्रस्तुत की गई है।
  2. एपिसोड 129: शिकंजे में कछुआ चोर – इस एपिसोड में एक पुलिस टीम की कहानी है, जिसने सैकड़ों कछुए ले जा रहे एक तस्कर को पकड़ा, जो वन्यजीव तस्करी से लड़ने के प्रयासों को दर्शाता है।
  3. एपिसोड 23: रियल हीरो – यह एपिसोड दिल्ली पुलिस के दो अधिकारियों की बहादुरी को उजागर करता है, जिन्होंने भयंकर आग से तीन लोगों की जान बचाई।
  4. एपिसोड 18: ऑपरेशन तलाश – इस एपिसोड में दिल्ली पुलिस द्वारा विभिन्न राज्यों में गुमशुदा लोगों का पता लगाने की रोमांचक कहानी है।

Kissa Khaki Ka completes 125 episodes

Kissa Khaki Ka completes 105 episodes

Empowering Voices, Changing Narratives: The Impact of Kissa Khaki Ka and Tinka Tinka Jail Radio

Sandeep Shahi: The Helmet Man of Delhi

Sandeep Shahi, a Delhi Police constable, decided to give out helmets to people on Raksha Bandhan in 2015 after observing the rise in accidents caused by people who are negligent and don’t wear them. Since then, he has given helmets to people on all significant occasions and has used a rap song to advocate for road safety and the value of wearing helmets in Delhi and around his home town. Awarded the Mahindra Excellence Award in 2018, he is popularly referred to as the “Helmet Man” in Delhi and has distributed over 11,000 helmets. 

Click : Kissa Khaki Ka – Helmet Cop    

Balbeer Kumar Vishwakarma: From Prisoner to Mentor

Following his release from Bilaspur Jail in Chhattisgarh in 2020, Balbeer Kumar Vishwakarma’s period of incarceration had a profound impact on his life. He took part in National  Tinka Tinka India Awards painting competition and won the first prize in  in the year 2016. His perspective on life and the way other prisoners perceived him were both altered by this award. He vowed to himself that he would help the other inmates improve their skills, learn how to paint, and assist them in becoming better versions of themselves. He currently teaches painting to underprivileged kids in a village in Bilaspur. He established a wing of Tinka Jail Paathshala in Central Jail, Bilaspur and honed painting skills of several inmates, before he got released.  

Click: Tinka Tinka Jail Radio-Episode 84 

Both Kissa Khaki Ka and Tinka Tinka Jail Radio are the only podcasts in India that are exclusive to their respective domains. Kissa Khaki Ka is run by the Delhi Police and features their experiences and stories, whereas Tinka Tinka Jail Radio is run by Tinka Tinka Foundation. Tinka Jail Radio podcasts cater to  jail inmates and works to improve the environment of the prisons, by engaging inmates constructively. This is part of Tinka Jail Paathshala, further cementing the role of education in jails.   

Click : Kissa Khaki Ka 1 year Journey

Tinka Tinka Foundation was established to support prison administrators and inmates through the promotion of art, culture, literature, and the media in order to contribute to prison reforms. These initiatives have helped in giving a new identity to inmates, encouraging them for their positive growth. 

Kissa Khaki Ka – Bridging the Gap Between Police and Public

Since its founding on January 16, 2022, Kissa Khaki ka has worked to close the divide that exists between the general public and the police.   Kissa Khaki Ka I Ep100। Parde ke peeche ke kirdar। Delhi Police | वर्तिका नन्दा | Vartika Nanda ( The only police department with a regular podcast of its own is Delhi Police, which releases it every Sunday at 2:00 pm on all of its social media channels. Narrated by renowned prison reformer and media educator Dr. Vartika Nanda, it includes stories of solving cybercrimes, kidnapping, murder and also stories of humanity. These podcasts are produced under the direction of DCP, PRO Suman Nalwa. Vartika Nanda is the official storyteller and the voice of Delhi Police. 

The purpose of these stories is to introduce the general public to these heroes who are typically overlooked. Kissa Khaki Ka’s launch in 2022 marked the global debut of a new podcast genre and the idea that humanity will continue to flourish as long as we continue to serve and cherish it.  Kissa Khaki Ka began under the leadership of Shri Rakesh Asthana, then Commissioner of Police, Delhi and has taken a new leap under the leadership of Shri Sanjay Arora, the present police commissioner. 

Click : Kissa Khaki Ka:

Tinka Tinka Jail Radio – Amplifying Inmate Voices

Tinka Tinka Jail Radio, run by the Tinka Tinka Foundation, completed 85 episodes by the end of March 2024, and is divided into two categories: Tinka Jail Radio and Tinka Jail News. Tinka Jail radio in produced in-house by the jail inmates and consumed by the inmates of that jail. Inmates work as radio jockeys, writers, and singers, among other things, and have the opportunity to display their skills through this platform. These inmates are trained by Tinka Tinka Foundation and are broadcast on Foundation’s YouTube channel. The stories reach both the inmates’ families and the general public. Tinka Tinka Radio is committed to healing, fostering creativity, positive change, and integrating prisoners into the process of building the nation. It seeks to change societal perceptions of prisoners and bring inmates’ contributions to the attention of the world.

Click: Tinka Tinka Foundation and BRUT: Panipat Jail Radio Revolution। तिनका जेल। Brut। Year 2022। Tinka Tinka Foundation। Vartika Nanda (

Tinka Tinka Foundation (TTF), a trust dedicated to prison reforms, formed by Vartika Nanda. It has also  established Tinka Prison Research Cell. The purpose of the Tinka Prison Research Cell (TPRC) is to advance prison-related research and specifically study the role of prison radio in improving prison atmosphere.. With their unique content, the Kissa Khaki Ka and Tinka Tinka Jail Radio podcasts are dedicated to sharing the experiences of those who are often disregarded by society. Fact that the content is more well-liked and admired internationally than by Indian audiences, on the other hand, is unexpected.

Link : Tinka Prison Research Cell – Tinka Prison Research Cell – Tinka Tinka Prison Reforms

Citations & References: 

Written by-

Ishita Kisku, Lady Shri Ram College For Women

Kissa Khaki Ka completes 105 episodes

19 February, 2024

Delhi Police Raising Day

Gratitude: Shri Sanjay Arora, CP Delhi Kissa Khaki Ka, broadcast every Sunday at 2pm on all the social media platforms of Delhi Police, has completed more than 105 episodes. It became a centre of attraction during the Delhi Police Raising Day on 16th February, 2024. Delhi Police is the only police department in India that runs a podcast on a regular basis, with a wide range of stories ranging from murder, abduction to cybercrime and stories of support and humanity. These podcasts are prepared under the guidance of DCP, PRO Suman Nalwa.

Kissa Khaki Ka completes 100 episodes: 2024

8 January, 2024

Kissa Khaki Ka Podcast series by Delhi Police creates record with 100 episodes

  • First police force in India to have its regular podcast
  • Stories are aired every Sunday
  • 100 stories broadcast in a span of two years
  • India’s leading prison reformer and media educator Vartika Nanda is the voice of Delhi Police  

Kissa Khaki Ka, broadcast every Sunday at 2pm on all the social media platforms of Delhi Police, has completed 100 episodes. Delhi Police is the only police department in India that runs a podcast on a regular basis, with a wide range of stories ranging from murder, abduction to cybercrime and stories of support and humanity. These podcasts are prepared under the guidance of DCP, PRO Suman Nalwa. Conceived and narrated by India’s leading prison reformer and media educator Dr. Vartika Nanda, the well-quipped social media team of Delhi Police has given wings to these podcasts with the constant efforts of Inspector Ravikant, Sub Inspector Shalini and Rahul, Head Constable Jitin and Ritu, Constable Ashish and Jyoti. These are edited by Saurabh, Yash, Purvesh and Ankush.

Storytelling through audio platform

Delhi Police made its mark in the field of audio-digital storytelling through this unique podcast series. The podcast recounts stories of grit and determination of Delhi Police personnel who dedicate their lives to a challenging service with valor, bravery and  humanity.

How it began

Kissa Khaki Ka, the first-ever podcast run by a police department, started its journey on January 16, 2022, when the nation celebrated its 75th Independence Day, with hope and commitment – the commitment to bridge the gap between the police forces and the common masses. Story of a Delhi Police constable, who started his own school for slum children was among the first to be featured on Delhi Police’s podcast. On the occasion of 100 episodes, Delhi Police did a special video feature, narrating the role of those who have been behind the microphone, from the rank of constables to the deputy commissioners of police.

The impact

These tales are important to be told and written across the pages of our history. They remind us every now and then to appreciate these hidden heroes in Khaki, teach us to appreciate them, and be grateful for them. It restores our hope in the system and our faith in the police forces and makes us believe that humanity thrives as long as we serve and cherish humanity itself. It has inspired the audience and filled them with hope and admiration. This journey of true tales will continue.

About Vartika Nanda

Dr. Vartika Nanda heads the Department of Journalism at Lady Shri Ram College, Delhi University. She also runs a podcast series, Tinka Tinka Jail Radio, the only podcast in India dedicated to prison reforms. Vartika Nanda was conferred Stri Shakti Award by President of India in 2014 for her contribution to media and literature.

Podcasts: Podcasts & Comments – Vartika Nanda


8 January, 2024

किस्सा खाकी का- दिल्ली पुलिस के अनूठे पॉडकास्ट ने किेए 100 अंक पूरे, बनाया रिकॉर्ड

  • भारत का इकलौता पुलिस विभाग जिसका है एक नियमित पॉडकास्ट
  • हर रविवार को प्रसारित होती हैं नई और सच्ची कहानियां 
  •  जानी-मानी जेल सुधारक और मीडिया शिक्षक वर्तिका नन्दा हैं दिल्ली पुलिस की आवाज

दिल्ली पुलिस के सभी सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्म पर हर रविवार दोपहर 2 बजे प्रसारित होने वाले किस्सा खाकी का ने 100 एपिसोड पूरे कर लिए हैं। दिल्ली पुलिस भारत का एकमात्र पुलिस विभाग है जो नियमित आधार पर पॉडकास्ट चलाता है, जिसमें कहानियों की एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला होती है। हत्या, अपहरण से लेकर साइबर अपराध और समर्थन और मानवता की कहानियाँ। ये पॉडकास्ट डीसीपी, पीआरओ सुमन नलवा के मार्गदर्शन में तैयार किए गए हैं। भारत की अग्रणी जेल सुधारक और मीडिया शिक्षिका डॉ. वर्तिका नंदा द्वारा परिकल्पित और वर्णित, दिल्ली पुलिस की सुसज्जित सोशल मीडिया टीम ने इंस्पेक्टर रविकांत, सब इंस्पेक्टर शालिनी और राहुल, हेड कांस्टेबल जितिन और रितु, कांस्टेबल आशीष और ज्योति के निरंतर प्रयासों से इन पॉडकास्ट को पंख दिए हैं। इनका संपादन सौरभ, यश, पूर्वेश और अंकुश ने किया है।

Storytelling through audio platform

दिल्ली पुलिस ने इस अनूठी पॉडकास्ट श्रृंखला के माध्यम से ऑडियो-डिजिटल कहानी कहने के क्षेत्र में अपनी पहचान बनाई। पॉडकास्ट दिल्ली पुलिस कर्मियों के धैर्य और दृढ़ संकल्प की कहानियों को बताता है जो वीरता, बहादुरी और मानवता के साथ एक चुनौतीपूर्ण सेवा के लिए अपना जीवन समर्पित करते हैं। 

How it began

पुलिस विभाग द्वारा चलाया जाने वाला पहला पॉडकास्ट, किस्सा खाकी का, ने 16 जनवरी, 2022 को अपनी यात्रा शुरू की, जब राष्ट्र ने आशा और प्रतिबद्धता के साथ अपना 75 वां स्वतंत्रता दिवस मनाया – पुलिस बलों और पुलिस बलों के बीच की खाई को पाटने की प्रतिबद्धता। आम जनता। दिल्ली पुलिस के एक कांस्टेबल की कहानी, जिसने झुग्गी-झोपड़ी के बच्चों के लिए अपना खुद का स्कूल शुरू किया, दिल्ली पुलिस के पॉडकास्ट पर प्रदर्शित होने वाली पहली कहानियों में से एक थी। 100 एपिसोड के अवसर पर, दिल्ली पुलिस ने एक विशेष वीडियो फीचर किया, जिसमें कांस्टेबल से लेकर पुलिस उपायुक्त तक माइक्रोफोन के पीछे रहने वालों की भूमिका बताई गई।

The impact

ये कहानियाँ हमारे इतिहास के पन्नों पर कही और लिखी जानी महत्वपूर्ण हैं। वे हमें समय-समय पर खाकी में छिपे इन नायकों की सराहना करने की याद दिलाते हैं, हमें उनकी सराहना करना और उनके लिए आभारी होना सिखाते हैं। यह सिस्टम में हमारी आशा और पुलिस बलों में हमारे विश्वास को बहाल करता है और हमें विश्वास दिलाता है कि मानवता तब तक पनपती रहेगी चूँकि हम मानवता की सेवा करते हैं और उसका सम्मान करते हैं। इसने दर्शकों को प्रेरित किया है और उन्हें आशा और प्रशंसा से भर दिया है। सच्ची कहानियों की यह यात्रा जारी रहेगी।

About Vartika Nanda

डॉ. वर्तिका नन्दा भारत की स्थापित जेल सुधारक, मीडिया शिक्षक और लेखिका हैं। वे अपराध और जेल पर नए प्रयोगों के लिए जानी जाती हैं। उनकी स्थापित तिनका तिनका फाउंडेशन ने देश की जेलों पर पहले और इकलौते पॉडकास्ट-तिनका तिनका जेल रेडियो की शुरुआत की। जिला जेल, आगरा, हरियाणा और उत्तराखंड की जेलों में रेडियो लाने का श्रेय उन्हीं को जाता है। उन्होंने भारत की जेलों में पत्रकारिता की नींव रखी है। तिनका तिनका बंदियों को सकारात्मक पत्रकारिता के गुर सिखाता है। 2014 में भारत के राष्ट्रपति से स्‍त्री शक्ति पुरस्‍कार से सम्मानित। 2018 में सुप्रीम कोर्ट  की एक बेंच ने जेलों पर उनकी सलाहें शामिल कीं। जेलों का उनका काम दो बार लिम्का बुक ऑफ़ रिकॉर्ड्स में शामिल हुआ। जेलों पर तीन किताबों की लेखिका।

Gratitude: Shri Sanjay Arora, Police Commissioner), Shri Rakesh Asthana (former Police Commissioner), Smt. Suman Nalwa (DCP, PRO), Shri Ravi Kant (Inspector), SI Shalini, SI Rahul, HC jiten, HC Ritu, CT Ashish, CT Jyoti, Editing: Saurabh/Yash/Purvesh/Ankush and the entire social media team. 

Earlier team: SI Chandan & SI Jayesh


The universe is made of stories, not of atoms – Muriel Rukeyser

A podcast is a digital audio file available on the Internet that is published in either series or instalments through subscription. This new media technology has evolved in the last decade, especially in the last 5 years.

In contemporary times, thousands of podcasters use this audio-storytelling method to promote themselves, market brands, create profit, etc. It is seldom used for a noble cause and for creating awareness.

World Podcasting Day: 30 September, 2023

Kissa Khaki Ka: Celebrating #WorldPodcastDay today, we are grateful to our podcast #KissaKhakiKa listeners for showing love and interest in the real anecdotes on humanity, crime, investigation, and courage of #DelhiPolice personnel. Listen to new episodes every Sunday at 2 PM. @vartikananda

Tinka Tinka Jail Radio: Two unique podcasts that have made me immerse in #humanity #socialservice #humanity. Both #kissakhakika and #tinkatinkajailradio podcasts are the two most unique podcasts in India, perhaps the whole world. 

Congratulations for completing 85 episodes of #kissakhakika #delhipolice. Proud to be the #storyteller #vartikananda @tinkatinkaorg1 

Kissa Khaki Ka: World Storytelling Day: 2023

20 March, 2023

Kissa Khaki Ka celebrated World Storytelling Day by showcasing stories of change. The coffee table book is already making waves.

16th January, 2023

Launch of book “Varsh ek, Smritiyan anek” and Felicitation of Police Personnel who contributed towards  podcast series “Kissa Khaki Ka”

Sh. Sanjay Arora, Commissioner of Police, Delhi, released “Kissa Khaki ka – Varsh ek, Smritiyan anek” at Adarsh Auditorium, PHQ, Delhi today. “Kissa Khaki Ka”, the podcast series of Delhi Police has completed one year. A short movie on the making of the podcast series was shown to the attendees. 

The weekly podcast recounting the stories of grit and determination of Delhi Police officers in digital audio format has been a feature very unique to Delhi Police. This feature was initiated in January 2022, with the dual objective of appreciating the dedication of officers thereby motivating them and at the same time encouraging others to do their best within their ambit of policing responsibilities so that Delhi Police’s reputation as an elite police force gets reaffirmed. The impressive manner of narrating investigative toils and the humane tales involved in tackling these unheard crimes has given a boost to the image of Delhi Police and has attracted many followers.

The CP, Delhi also presented the newly released book “Kissa Khakhi ka – Varsh ek, Smritiyan anek” to the police personnel/teams whose tales of courage and compassion in line of duty have been highlighted through this series. He also felicitated Dr. Vartika Nanda, the voice behind the podcast, Akhya – the creative designing team of Delhi Police and all the team members of PRO who untiringly worked at the back end, to turn this weekly podcast series into reality.

Speaking on the occasion, Sh. Sanjay Arora, CP Delhi praised the heroics of the personnel whose tales have been featured in the podcast series and also commended their family members for their never-ending support. He called upon the police personnel to strive and achieve the highest level of competency and policing skills to ensure law & order conforming to the standards of National Capital Region. He appreciated the efforts of PRO for successfully turning the idea of podcast into reality and also the initiatives of PRO in highlighting the endeavours of Delhi Police which have helped create a positive perception about Delhi Police.

Sh. Sanjay Singh, Spl. CP/PMMC, presented the welcome address and gave an insight into the tales being narrated through the podcast series and other initiatives of Perception Management & Media Cell.

Dr. Vartika Nanda, Jail Reformer and Media Educator, who scripts and gives voice over to the tales being recounted through Kissa Khakhi Ka also shared her experience as television journalist and her works with police officers, personnel and prisoners involved in various crimes. 

Spl CsP Shri RS Krishnia, Shri SK Gautam, Shri Laltendu Mohanti, Shri Sanjay Singh, Shri Dependra Pathak and Shri Sagarpreet Hooda also graced the occasion with other senior officers of PHQ. 



Kissa Khaki Ka: Delhi Police Celebrates One Year: 2023

16 January, 2023

Kissa Khaki Ka Kissa Khaki Ka celebrated World Storytelling Day by showcasing stories of change. The coffee table book is already making waves. : Delhi Police celebrates one year of podcasting

·   First police force in India to have its podcast

·   Stories are aired every Sunday

·   55 stories broadcast in a span of one year

·   Vartika Nanda is the official storyteller

Commissioner of Police, Delhi Shri Sanjay Arora facilitated the entire team of Kissa Khaki Ka at the police headquarters on 16th January. Kissa Khaki Ka is the first and the only podcast in India which is run by the police department. It started on 16th January, 2022. This podcast series has presented to the world unique stories of crime and humanity related to Delhi Police personnels. Dr. Vartika Nanda is the official storyteller of Kissa Khaki Ka podcasts. She is India’s renown prison reformer and a media educator.

Release of the book- Kissa Khaki Ka

On this occasion, CP Delhi released the book titled Kissa Khaki Ka- Varsh Ek, Smritiyan Anek at the Adarsh Auditorium, Police Headquarters in Delhi. This book has a collection of all the 54 episodes broadcast till 16th January, 2023.

The felicitation of storyteller and the team

The Police Commissioner felicitated Dr. Vartika Nanda on this occasion, appreciating her efforts to do this work on an honorary basis. The creative designing team of Delhi Police, Akhya, and the PRO team of Delhi Police were also felicitated along with all those police personnels who have appeared in Kissa Khaki Ka in the past one year.

Storytelling through audio platform

Kissa Khaki Ka is broadcast every Sunday at 2pm on all the social media platforms of Delhi Police. There is a wide range of stories that have been covered so far ranging from murder abduction and cybercrime. The storytelling includes both the stories of solving a crime and also tales of humanity. This work has taken new heights with Suman Nalwa as the PRO of Delhi Police.

Vartika Nanda as the voice of Delhi Police

Kissa Khaki Ka is conceived written invoiced by media educator and prison reformer Dr. Vartika Nanda. She heads the Department of Journalism at Lady Shri Ram College, Delhi University. She also runs a podcast series, Tinka Tinka Jail Radio, the only podcast in India dedicated to prison reforms. Speaking on the occasion, she reflected upon her journey as a television journalist, her doctoral research work on coverage of rape cases by the media, work on prison reforms through Tinka Tinka Foundation and her observations on the changing face of media with the perspective of a media educator. She urged the police force to disseminate the good work of police personnel by making available these podcasts as a piece of study at various police training institutes.

The Selfie Point

Delhi Police has created two special selfie points at the police headquarters so that all those who come to the headquarters make it a point to get their pictures clicked at this selfie point.

While Kissa Khaki Ka has already started appearing as a piece of question in various competitive exams, this digital storytelling has a long way to go.

Kissa Khaki Ka: One Year

Kissa Khaki Ka: Audio Journey of One Year of Podcast: Delhi Police

Kissa Khaki Ka: Celebrating one year: Delhi Police

International Podcast Day: Kissa Khaki Ka celebrates its 40th episode

On International Podcast Day, Kissa Khaki Ka, a unique podcast series launched by Delhi Police, completed 40 episodes this week.

आखिर कौन है दिल्ली पुलिस की आवाज़ ?

2022: Sept 26: Special story by Tipu Sultan for Headlines Live News: Story is about Vartika Nanda becoming the voice of human-interest stories of Delhi Police through the popular podcast- Kissa Khaki Ka. This exclusive podcast series, run by any police department in India, is entering its 40th episode this week.

Kissa Khaki Ka: Episode: 23 Promo

SI Preeti, SI Ashok and CT Sovran nabbed a thief in a Bollywood thriller style. Thief was involved in 22 such cases in the past. Tune in to this story on 5th June at 2 pm Kissa Khaki Ka is an exclusive podcast series by Delhi Police. This series is conceived by India’s leading prison reformer Vartika Nanda. She heads Department of Journalism in Lady Shri Ram College. Hear this story of resoluteness to serve #Delhi with every drop of blood.

Kissa Khaki Ka: Stories Of Service Beyond Self

By Anushree Mukherjee and Samridhi Chugh

Sandeep Shahi is a head constable in Delhi Police. During his service since 2013, he has come across many people who lost their lives due to road accidents. In 2014, he himself became the victim of a road mishap, but he survived because he was wearing a helmet. Thereafter, it became his mission in life to build awareness in the community about the importance of helmets. 

This inspiring story has been uncovered by the creators of Kissa Khaki Ka, the official podcast series by Delhi Police. It is featured in the episode titled ‘Helmet Cop’ released on 17th April 2022.

Kissa Khaki Ka: India’s First Police Podcast Is Making Waves

By Pavani Chandhok

Delhi Police is the first police force in the country to have its own podcast. This podcast series, titled ‘KISSA KHAKI KA’, started on 16th January. The weekly podcast will feature stories of crimes, investigations, heart and humanity. It is an effort to build a connection between police and the masses. The podcast runs for approximately 2-3 minutes and it features exceptional stories every Sunday.

Delhi Police Podcasts aims to create a new bond between Delhi Police and citizens. The podcast had special mention of cops working relentlessly for the safety and security of the city.

Kissa Khaki Ka - First Ever Podcast by Delhi Police Touches Hearts

By Anushree Mukherjee

Delhi Police has entered the world of digital media and story-telling through their one-of-a-kind podcast series – Kissa Khaki Ka. The objective of ‘Kissa Khaki Ka’ is to educate the masses about the work done by Delhi Police and establish a connection with the listeners through a new-age medium of digital audio storytelling. 

These stories have dynamically engaged the people of Delhi and nurtured a sense of understanding, respect, and empathy for police officials across all ranks.

KISSA KHAKI KA – Delhi Police Introduces Its First Podcast with Vartika Nanda

By Pavani Chandhok

Delhi Police is the first police force in the country to have its own podcast. This podcast series, titled ‘KISSA KHAKI KA’, started on 16th January. This series is aimed at establishing communication with the masses through its unheard stories of crimes, investigations, heart and humanity.

Delhi Police Podcasts aimed to create a new bond between Delhi Police and citizens. It will enable better understanding among people who face challenges the police force faces.

।।। किस्सा खाकी का: कहानी एक साल की ।।।

16 जनवरी, 2023 जगह: दिल्ली पुलिस मुख्यालय, नई दिल्ली दिल्ली पुलिस के “किस्सा खाकी का” के समारोह में जाने का मेरा अनुभव काफी दिलचस्प रहा क्योंकि  मैंने इससे पहले कभी इतने सारे पुलिसकर्मियों को और उनके बड़े – बड़े अधिकारीयों को एक साथ एक जगह पर अपनी आंखों के सामने नहीं देखा था । “किस्सा खाकी का” उन सारी कहानियों से मिलकर बना है जो साहस और इंसानियत से लबरेज़ हैं। समारोह की शुरुवात वर्तिका नंदा की आवाज़ में बनाई गई एक छोटी-सी वीडियो से हुई जिसमे “किस्सा खाकी का” के एक साल के सफर को दर्शाया गया। इस समारोह में उन पुलिसकर्मियों को सम्मानित भी किया गया जिनकी कहानियां अब तक इस पॉडकास्ट का हिस्सा बनी हैं। कार्यक्रम के मुख्य केंद्र में थीं – दिल्ली पुलिस की आवाज़- वर्तिका नंदा — उन्होंने अपने भाषण में  कहा कि ” अब पुलिस का एक हिस्सा जर्नलिज्म को जान गया है, समझ गया है जो कि जर्नलिस्ट के लिए एक चुनौती हैं क्योंकि अब दिल्ली पुलिस – जर्नलिज्म भी जानती है और कानून भी “। “किस्सा खाकी का” के माध्यम से ऐसा पहली बार हुआ है कि अब पुलिस की खुद की अपनी एक आवाज़ है। दिल्ली पुलिस ने सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफार्म पर अपनी जड़े इतनी मज़बूत कर ली हैं की अब उन्हें अपनी कहानियों को जनता तक पहुंचाने के लिए किसी और की ज़रूरत नहीं है। दिल्ली पुलिस की अब अपनी खुद की एक आवाज़ है और अपना खुद का एक प्लेटफार्म। यह एक ऐसी अनूठी पहल है जो दिल्ली पुलिस से पहले कभी किसी पुलिस विभाग द्वारा नहीं चलाई गई। दिल्ली पुलिस कमिश्नर संजय अरोड़ा ने दिल्ली पुलिस के हौसले को बढ़ाया और दिल्ली पुलिस की सोशल मीडिया टीम के परिश्रम को सराहा। उन्होंने कहा कि वर्तिका नंदा अब दिल्ली पुलिस की आवाज हैं और उनके निस्वार्थ काम के लिए हम उनके आभारी हैं। इस अवसर पर दिल्ली पुलिस की तरफ से विशेष समारोह का आयोजन किया गया जिसमे दिल्ली पुलिस कमिश्नर संजय अरोड़ा के द्वारा “किस्सा खाकी का” के सफर पर लिखी गई पुस्तक को प्रस्तुत किया गया। इस किताब का नाम है – “किस्सा खाकी का” – वर्ष एक स्मृतियां अनेक । इसके साथ ही साथ दिल्ली पुलिस के अनसुने किस्सों को जनता के सामने लाने वाली मधुर आवाज वर्तिका नंदा को भी सम्मन्नित किया गया। दिल्ली पुलिस के साहस और वर्तिका नंदा के मधुर स्वर और उनके परिश्रम के बदौलत आज “किस्सा खाकी का” सफलतापूर्वक इस मुकाम तक पहुंचा है। दिल्ली पुलिस इकलौती ऐसी पुलिस है जिसने डिजिटल प्लेटफार्म के माध्यम से अपनी अनसुनी कहानियों और असाधारण सेवाओं को दिल्लीवासियों तक पहुंचाना चाहा। जिसमे वो सफल भी रही। मेरी नज़र में “किस्सा खाकी का” दिल्ली पुलिस अधिकारियो के लिए एक वरदान साबित होगा। ॉ मैं अपनी बात को दिल्ली पुलिस के ही एक अधिकारी की कही गई पंक्ति से खत्म करना चाहूंगी- “में खाकी हूं , में किस्सा हूं , में दिल्ली पुलिस का हिस्सा हूं”। अब जब कभी भी कोई दिल्ली पुलिस को पढ़ना चाहेगा या उसे अच्छे से समझना या जानना चाहेगा तो उसके रास्ते में “किस्सा खाकी का” ज़रूर आयेगा। मेहविश राशिद पॉलिटिकल साइंस विभाग की छात्रा दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय

मेहविश राशिद

पॉलिटिकल साइंस विभाग की छात्रा

दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय