The Journalism Programme of Lady Shri Ram College is designed to give women an effective voice in the world of media. We believe that this voice will reflect the genuine development needs of all sections of a society in transition such as ours.
In a democratic society, the exercise of the freedom of expression comes with enormous responsibilities, and the media plays a crucial, decisive role. Our attempt here is to train professionals, who are sensitive to the demands of this role, and who, in the pursuit of truth are alive to its many dimensions.

We see journalists both as transcribers of the aspirations of society and also as catalysts of change. We wish to equip our students for the demands and rigours of the profession along with a commitment to accuracy, fairness and knowledge. We seek to enliven them with that sense of vocation which empowers them to extend themselves beyond careerism to causes that need support, to ideas that need expression, and to the spirit that cherishes and values freedom.
The teaching methodology incorporates lectures, workshops and seminars, and emphasizes independent projects and extensive written assignments. The Principal and some members of the college faculty oversee the programme and deliver lectures from time to time in their special disciplines. A Co-coordinator assists in assigning and evaluating projects, conducts regular appraisals and facilitates the practical components of the programme. It is our attempt at LSR to imbibe the teaching-learning process with the kind of sensitivity that reconciles excellence with humanity, a pedagogy that can break free of rhetoric, shatter myths and rescue imagination and intuition using them as resources to conceive and initiate change. To do this we provide for our students a diverse faculty drawn from the ranks of academics and practitioners and conduct seminars and workshops by practitioners.

The Journalism department also brings out its publication SPACE. Realpolitik, a student initiative newsletter is also published regularly by a team of our students. Our students attend film screenings and documentary festivals as well as seminars and conferences on the media to expand their horizon of experiences and to expose them to a plethora of views. We take pride in fostering our students with ambition, motivation and above all the will to make a difference.
Departmental Association Activities

The learning process is enriched in various ways through a number of educational activities conducted within and outside the Department. By organizing a number of workshops, the Department constantly endeavours to build a bridge between theory and praxis. Juxtapose is the Annual Academic Meet of the Department that has been the highlight event of every academic year. It is a platform that strives to facilitate dialogue, deliberation and debate, and touches upon various themes. Over the years, a number of talks and lectures have been held regularly for the students of the Department. In 2012-2013, one of the highlights was the Creation of the Manohar Shyam Joshi Chair in the Department. Constituted in memory of the veteran Journalist and writer Manohar ShyamJoshi,this is a lecture series by an eminent scholar from the Liberal Arts, Humanities or Media,
In 2012-2013, students curated film screenings on Development Communication followed by discussions on the eight Millennium Development Goals and India’s achievements in this regard. A short documentary film ‘Lost in Transition’ made by a group of third year students of the Department was screened for public with a young audience in multiple venues. Other productions in the year 2013- 2014 included ‘Second Life’ and ‘What a Shot!’.
The Department lays emphasis on workshops, presentations, discussion on course readings in class, field trips and showcasing of documentary films, visual materials, and audio clips. The students are encouraged to work in video, radio, print and on-line media. Experts in various fields are invited for interaction in class.
Events at a glance
Juxtapose is the Annual Academic Meet of the Department of Journalism, Lady Shri Ram College for women. Juxtapose provides a platform to bring together the best in Academia, Film, Media and engage in discussions relevant to the contemporary media. This year, it comprised of several events and competitions conducted over a span of two-days, from 30th September 2016 to 1st October 2016. As part of the discourse on the theme ‘Who’s media is it anyway?’ the first day of the meet began with a panel discussion on- ‘Politics of news (Construction of Dominant Ideology)’ with the participation of distinguished personalities from the field, including Ms. SevantiNinan-founder and editor of The; Mr.Josy Joseph- National Security Editor, The Hindu; Sonia Singh- Editorial Director and President, NDTV Ethics Committee and Sudhir Chaudhary,-Editor ,Zee News. Day 1 of the meet also saw participation of over 300 students from various colleges and universities in events like the All India Media Meet where the agenda was the ‘Sting operations in India- a Tool for Public Interest or Public Deception’, Paper presentation on – the “Love Your BodyDiscourse” and Ad Madwhere teams were given 10 minutes to prepare advertisements on the spot and were judged on their creativity and presentation. Day 2 began with the debate completion – Vox Pop with the premise ‘This house rejects all forms of media for the survival of the modern nation state” followed by Slam Poetry Event or Open Mic , the Media quiz anda Panel Discussion on where the esteemed panelistsAmitabh Singh, VK Karthika(Chief Editor & Publisher, Harper Colins), ShereenBhan(Managing Director, CNBC TV- 18), Manu Joseph(renowned Journalist & Author), Shalini Chopra ( Founder and Nidhi Kulpati(Journalist & anchor NDTV) enlightened the audience on the topic – ‘Assessing the role And influence of Media in Indian women’s Movement’.
1. Video Editing Workshop (17 October 2016) A ‘Video Editing’ workshop was conducted by Mr. Deepak Uniyaal who works with News nation channel as a video editor. The aim of this workshop was to equip the students with the basic knowledge and application of video editing softwares like Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premier Pro. The workshop was not only one that imparted theoretic knowledge on the topic, but was an interactive session that saw great participation and engagement from the students as well.
2.Documentary Film Making Workshop (28 January, 2017) A documentary film making workshop was organized with Mr DevadeepKonwar with the objective of providing the students a working understanding of the camcorder and introducing them to the art of documentary film making. In the course of this workshop, the students were explained the various types and approaches to documentary making while also emphasizing the importance of editing. Panel discussions, Lectures and Talks Mr. Anand Saurabh, Associate editor, All India Radio was invited on 25th October 2016 for a special lecture on the role and functioning of the Press Information Bureau and Public broadcasters.
An interactive session to educate the students about various news
agencies was organized in the 3rd week of October 2015.Mr. Priyabhanshu, Associate Editor , Press Trust of India was invited for the sameand spoke about the various wire services in the Broadcast Industry with special focus on the functioning and working of the New Agency – PTI (Press Trust of India.
Dr.Shalini Narayanan, Media Consultant and former civil servant (IIS) delivered lecture on 3rd Nov2016 and discussed the emerging importance of Social Media Technologies, Strategies, Tactics and Ethics.)
She alsobriefly discussed the features of newest forms of media which have emerged as a vast platform for marketing and advertising
On 4th and 6th November 2016 department organized special lecture by Dr. Sanjay Singh Baghel for Media Industry Management. He discussed several important aspects of Media Industry Management likeConsolidation and Convergence. Dr. Baghel laid great emphasis on how mission and vision are two sides of a coin which must not be overlooked by the media organizations today. To discuss the Legal, ethical and social responsibility of media houses, Mr. Anniridh Sharma (DainikBhaskar) was invited on 11th November. He conducted an interactive sessionon Media Industry Management, giving the students an insight on how the media industry functions.
Film Screenings The Documentary Film ‘Dark Side of Chocolate’ was screened on 3rd· March, 2017 as a part of discourse related to Human Rights and Development Journalism. Directed by Miki Mistrati U. Roberto Romano, ”The Dark Side of Chocolate’ tells the sorry state of the child protection laws at the global level and reveals the story of child labour and the exploitation in cocoa farms of Ivory Coast
The department organized special screening of movie Mona Lisa Smile· on International Women’s Day on 8th March 2017. The movie set during the post second world war period revolves around the prestigious all female Wellesley College. Where an art history professor tries to break stereotypes of getting married well and encourages students to strive for a future and follow their dreams and look beyond marriage.
Faculty profile :
Areas of interest
Dr. Vartika Nanda (Teacher-in-charge)
Head of the department
Broadcast Journalism, Print Journalism, Prison Reforms Publications and other works click here
Ms. Suruchi Shirish Parikh
Assistant Professor
Print Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations, Media and Politics, Development Journalism.
Mr. Inderjeet Singh
Assistant Professor
Media and Democratic Polity, Media and Society, New Media
Ms. Rachna Sharma
Assistant Professor
Print Journalism, Environment Communication, Political Communication, Media & Cultural Studies, New Media
Ms. Pushplata
Assistant Professor
Documentary Production, Photography, Media Industry Management, Specialisation in Advertising and Public Relations
Journalism Department Students Union
1. President : Anushka Gupta
2. General secretary : Paridhi Bhanot
3. Treasurer : Anahita Sahu
-Compiled by Nandini Rao, Student of Journalism, LSR
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