Title: Television aur Crime Reporting
Author: Vartika Nanda
Publisher: Rajkamal Prakashan
ISBN: 978-81-267-1943-3
Year: 2010
Pages: 184
Price: HB: 500/-
PB: 200/-
Book Description:
The 2010 book Television aur Crime Reporting goes into great length about the numerous facets of crime reporting. All the seven chapters in this book are useful for both practitioners and students of journalism. The foreword of this beautifully designed book is written by eminent journalist Rajdeep Sardesai. Famous artist Pawan Toon has created the cartoons for the chapters. This book was released by the Peepli Live Directors, Mahmood Farooqui and Anusha Rizwi at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, on September 30, 2010.
USP: This book has been included in the curriculum by the University of Delhi for its Hindi Honours program oe Delhi University since 2015 and is in the reading list of Radio and Television Journalism course at IIMC since 2017. Currently, this book is a part of curriculum in six different Indian universities.
This book is intended for readers who want to acquaint themselves with a functional understanding of the world of media, particularly electronic media. We are living in an age of information boom. One can easily access information, pictures and news from any part. However, being a consumer of media and being media-literate are two different things. This book seeks to advance the crucial wisdom that is required for comprehending and functioning television reporting. Crime reporting constitutes the centre stage in this book. Though handy and short, reading the essentials of the book can completely alter and enhance the viewing experience of television news, making it more engrossing.
Television aur Crime Reporting। 2005-2010 । Journey of the book
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