Shivangi Tamta

As for the newspaper making activity, we were put into teams for making a newspaper from cut-outs of original newspapers. It was hard working with my teammates but still intresting and fun; It was messy and exciting too,

so we cut up the magazine, arranged the pieces, and glued them up in a bid to ensure we had a consistent style.

Different skills acquired from the newspaper-making activity:

Critical Thinking: The process of identifying key articles and images helped in being selective regarding which material was useful and understanding why.

Creativity: it improved the skill of creating suitable designs since cutouts were used strategically.

Understanding of Journalism: understood how news was put together, and how headlines and images and articles are used.

Media Literacy: The activity played a role in identifying the need for reliable sources and the role of media towards society as well.

Teamwork: the performance motivated both interactive and cooperative behavior of the learners.

Time Management: Time spent on making the newspaper under certain conditions reinforced skills in managing people, venues, and time effectively.

Once our newspaper was done, we had a peer review in which we evaluated each ‘s work.

This was an eye-opening experience for me – I enjoyed other people’s creativity and also was taught other writing formats and design. Different brilliant perspectives and designs that I saw, were outstanding. While some groups are entirely creative, others are editorial, which is good because we also received constructive feedbacks as well….
Overall, this was a great experience and exercise in teamwork, creativity and media critique and was a big plus in my learning.



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