Bipasha Das
News agency is an organization whose major focus is to gather news reports and sell them to its respective subscribers such as newspapers , magazines, radio and Television broadcasters, news portals and government agencies. They collect information or news in multimedia or text format. News agencies are also referred to as wire service, news wire and News service.
News wire plays a pivotal role in dissemination of news. They do not disseminate the news directly to the public, rather the news or information are being disseminated through media houses. It acts as an information supplier to media outlets.New wires carry information backed by valid reasons , fact and statistics.They make the collection and fact checking of information very convenient. Since they are unbiased, they refrain from giving a specific limelight to a particular person or organization or situation. They deliver the news in a timely manner and maintain timeliness. For them , every minute is a deadline. News agencies also assign reporters to their specialized domains known as beats.
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