Nausheen Khan

A highly enriching exercise to allow students to expand their knowledge of the curriculum at hand was organised in the IOJ class today that proved to be truly beneficial for the future news-makers of the country.Equipping students to cater to relevant skills in journalism by going back to textbooks followed the selection of five highly commendable books related to the curriculum from the library.What followed was a fruitful discussion eventually turning into an engaging dialogue on the content of the book that piqued the interest of the group members.Each group was given a book to absorb and reflect upon,while expanding their knowledge on the same.The session concluded leaving the participants of the group discussion with bated breaths as it turned out to be a symbiotic association mutually benefitting all learners with a vessel of knowledge,wiling to push the envelope.In a single breathe,it can be safely said that more such sessions should be held in the future to allow students to diversify their curriculum and focus on learnings that transcend classroom education imbued in a structured setup.



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