Aastha Sinha
Introduction to Broadcast Media and Reporting and Editing for Print; both the subjectes gave us a great overview into the journalism industry. While REP gave us a deep understanding of Print journalism, IBM was inclinee towards radio and television journalism.
In REP, we understood the techniques of reporting and editing – several kinds of beats, leads and headlines, structure of newsroom, issues and trends in news reporting and much more. On the other hand, IBM gave us more of practical exposure such as knowledge of microphones, sound design, camera, and editing.
In all, both the subjects were highly interesting and very crucial from the journalism industry point of view. We learnt script writing through assignments, usage of camera in our practical classes, and basics of sound design and editing through special lectures that were conducted by industry experts. In conclusion, delving into these subjects offered invaluable insights and knowledge that enriched our understanding and broadened our perspectives.
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