Anushka Saini

There is a very popular saying that a reporter is both the ears and eyes of a news organization. So, in order to qualify the role of a reporter you must prepare yourself in many ways.

Nose for news: Reporters must check the material and squeeze the news that would interest his reader. When a reporter is overwhelmed by an ocean of fact, a reporter can rely upon the interest of readers for guidance. To find the news that is worthy for reporting is an essential part of a reporter’s job.
Outgoing nature: Professional journalists are never armchair writers. To be a successful writer you must have to go out and investigate the news on a personal level so that only you can shine amidst the mob. Today is the time where you cannot show what you want to as it is a digital era where information about a certain topic is available in bulk.
Ability to establish contacts and develop sources: While doing investigative reporting, there is always a chance that the source of the information is not comfortable enough in sharing information with you due to some kind of fear. For example, if you are investigating corruption or the underworld then the source has some kind of fear for their job or life so in this case you need to maintain trust so that the person could feel some level of comfort while sharing information with the reporter.
There are other qualities as well such as clarity of expression, ability to be an unprejudiced observer and ability to cope up with external and internal pressure etc.



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