It is said that a reporter is both the eyes and ears of a news organisation. A reporter’s job is to keep the public informed by uncovering the truth behind stories.Reporter is eagle-eyed, committed, illuminating the world with all the happenings across the globe. They enlighten the public about the activities and create an impact on the life of people. A good reporter must take the responsibility for what he is writing. He must not spread misinformation especially in sensitive situations like an epidemic, a war, natural disasters etc. Editors assign important issues that concern the public, like corruption, to one or more reporters depending on the magnitude of the issue. The primary responsibility of investigating all facets of the issue lies with the reporter.A journalist must possess and uphold certain noble qualities in order to be professional. Integrity of character, commitment to the truth and a reasoning power of mind are essential to any reporter. These qualities also contribute to the credibility of the reporting organisation. Besides, a journalist has to be truly responsible.A reporter must also have a healthy respect for news values.Some other qualities required to be a good reporter are as follows:
1)A nose for news
2)Outgoing Nature
3)Ability to Establish Contacts and Develop sources
4) Ability to be an Unprejudiced Observer
5) Clarity of Expression
6)Ability to cope with Pressure from Outside and Within the News Organisation
7)Team Spirit
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