Mitali Butola
To truly understand and appreciate the relevance of print journalism we must first know what it means, simply put print journalism is the type journalism dealing with the practice of writing, investigation and reporting in a written format typically for newspapers and magazines.
Now that we have gotten the gist of what print journalism is we can better understand the ways in which it is relevant even to this day where with immense technological advancements digital journalism is on a rise.
Now let us look at a few factors which contribute to the relevance of print journalism:
Firstly, the fact that it exists physically provides for a more tactile and engaging experience for the readers and essentially gets the reader to fully concentrate on the topic at hand and helps build a connection.
Secondly, print journalism holds it relevance even today due it’s neverending focus on maintaining high standards of reporting in an ethical manner.Maintaining credibility by using in-depth research and fact checking while writing, this quality is hard to find due to the clickbait culture these days.
Thirdly, print journalism has archival value as many reasearchers, historians , sciencetists try to find old information through the preserved pieces that have been saved before the technology was where it’s at today.
Lastly,another factor which makes it stand out from other sources of journalism is the reach it has , it provides a connection between the people from places where technology has not completely set it’s roots yet .There the local newspapers and magazines take forefront in becoming the harbinger of any and all news.
To conclude we can say that print journalism continues to stay relevant and due to many reasons which makes it stand out from the digital and new ways of journalism. Such as it’s tactile nature , high credibility reporting and it’s ability to act as a link between people from different walks of life and many more.
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