Malvika Anand

In today’s world, with the help of technological advancements, various social media platforms, massive global connectivity, and cost-effective means of production and distribution of information, it is immensely easy to acquire knowledge on any topic.
Yet, despite these developments, print media remains a pivotal player in mass communication. To understand the remarkable consistency of print media as a major part of society, we must first explore what it entails.

Print media refers to physical printed materials used to deliver information, news, and entertainment to the masses. Examples include newspapers, magazines, journals, and books.

Now that we’ve defined print media, the bigger question arises: why is it still relevant?

1. Tangibility
One key advantage of print media is its tangibility—the physical presence of printed materials. This makes them durable, allowing items such as newspapers and magazines to be kept, archived, and revisited over time.

2. Credibility
Print media often involves a more rigorous publication process, including editorial review and fact-checking. Unlike many digital platforms that rely on clickbait tactics, print media generally follows strict guidelines and proofing standards, which enhances trust in its content.

3. Accessibility
While digital media requires technology, which may be expensive or unavailable to some, print media fills the gap by being both accessible and affordable. Though a majority of people have access to smartphones and the internet, many still cannot afford or regularly use these technologies. In such cases, print media becomes a more inclusive option.

4. Comfort
Reading on digital screens can strain the eyes and interfere with sleep due to blue light emissions. Print media, by contrast, is easier on the eyes and does not cause the same discomfort. Moreover, reading print material promotes better focus, as there are no distractions from apps or notifications.

In conclusion, print media has managed to remain relevant because of its distinct advantages over digital media. It has become an integral part of daily life, from the newspapers we read at breakfast to the brochures and flyers we encounter throughout the day. Despite the digital revolution, print media remains an indispensable part of our experience.



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