Today that is 4th July 2023 we are almost at the end of a second semester. Journalism is one of the most practical courses in Lady Shri Ram College in a sense whatever we learn we get to implement all that knowledge into practical use. And I am elated to say that we have already learnt so much in just 12 months. One of our papers in semester 1 was introduction to journalism, a paper in which we learnt the 101 of journalism. That paper included us learning about a) hard news soft news B) what incorporates fake news C) ethics in journalism D) sources of news, about newsworthiness, components of newspaper et cetera.
They were several activities done where we put our theoretical understanding to practical use. there was a newspaper activity which was part of our practical in sem 1, that activity turned out to be extremely helpful. Turns out those newspaper that we read every single day every part of that newspaper serves very specific purpose. we learnt about headlines, by lines, editorials,hard news et cetera. we disected the whole newspaper to understand the purpose of its components. first semester was a very interesting and significance step to have a bed drop for our learnings in future semester when semester second started our paper reporting and editing in print was one of the three papers. In that paper we learnt about health, education and sports beat and how specialised news is written. We also learnt the concept of neutrality which explains how unbiased news should be delivered. semester 2 was a great learning experience special thanks to our professor dr. Vartika Nanda.
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